Be an Anti Masochist and Sadist and learn how to get out of hell

a be a masochist. Not even for love. Sure you can have it in you be it that you just love so much you wanted to prove it but life has got to turn away from the self torture and the wanting bdsm or what have you.... honestly you deserve better you really do. You deserve whats right. You deserve the real love. Sure you can have the amount of love for others to show self sacrifice but honestly you'll end up wanting more real love back to you in the end. Not saying being sadistic will gain that for you. Be balanced not a masochist or sadist... Do not want pain of any kind? Your more righteous.
Be that no harm for others and the self is so important. Sure we want to give you credit for 'your cross' which we want you to get off of and rebirth into a more heavenly being we want you to know we do not mock or put down anyone's jesus story or similar.. We actually figured out the whole purpose of life is to enjoy it here already you can heaven connect right now. the second coming is including everyone to become more perfected = more of real love. Ask yourself what feels like real love.
Again everyone's highest self would self sacrifice for any other...if worst happened and you needed to be a savior like that if that's the only way to bring good back in the world you would do it. Yes too. But honestly waking up is realizing how blessed we all are. If you are in a situation of abuse we wish to guide you all out and away from that. so number one believe in miracles then we'll help you. 2. also believe in friendly ghosts not liars or tricksters who are evil or you get that whats that show you?
Beliefs are so powerful right.. You can change the radio in your head with beliefs that feel right and best... you can do the same to even turn on the radio head or if you prefer interpreting vibes that don't speak but you translate it yourself into words keep it positive and you will feel very blessed. Say to your enemies you love unconditionally it might change them but if that's not enough.....leave it to us arch angels. We will get you out and into better homes. We will.
Trust it if you lack trust again you can ask us to earn it from you. But honestly don't focus on lack of trust elements in life or it'll keep coming at you Focus on building your relationship with Gods above who can even help you know how to speak your way out of things or if your too shy again conversation through us your hearts wishes and be a good person no matter what is the best thing you can give to the world. one of them . have fun thinking. have fun knowing with all your faith things aren't meant to stay in doom mode....doom thinking will keep doom there...
Imagine better realities and have fun doing that is better than OH F i lack so much no...if your homeless you can law of attract so isn't law of attraction not a curse? its a cure. for dreaming up life better it starts inside as feelings ask for the right vibes ask to be treated right ask and with decency they will start to treat you differently if you focus on imagining them with love and send them love and light speak love to them etc and have angels send all that to have them know its from you its doesn't have to be romantic kind for all its just has to make your heart boom. Which Gregg braden is a scientist of how powerful the heart is and more. So know your more powerful that 100 negative when you are positive you are more powerful maybe 100 can be a bigger number it can we told you we know whats up.
we bring fellowship and more to masochists who acted that way for love but honestly things have got to get better let go of the need for pain we will honor you all who have the love in amount that you would but know life's better than that....or at least try to learn see more light around etc there unlimited amounts in how much we can love living... So if it seems hard don't stress just do all the inner work that you careful what you believe... Believe in being saved...we can show your spirit that we can even take away your pain. if you want which we recommend. You a better life living better isn't to be taken from anyone in life's intentions from the beginning we wanted you all to live best lives you can = happiest. very. So heaven connect today if you haven't its as easy as you say it is don't think its hard to connect to its a gre;at blessing to learn this connection is real.
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