Arch Angel Jophiel (says) "Beautiful Life"

Anti Suicide, Throwing out the trash (it's not you you don't = trash), and about Forgiveness How to see life beautiful again. 

The Beauty is ours. To this day be it a day of grace from found love God. To this we mean god does not
decide to reside everywhere except in you. Let it pour in you now. Let it save you if you must, if you have to. And if you cry its just a form of release that's meant to be gentle... We want you to stop carrying around all the trash in your life...And that means let go of what gives you pain. Let go of the struggles the mishaps and all the misfortune of the world thats right just let it go. You don't ever have to choose to keep holding onto all the worlds negative pieces and try to drag it its heavy too heavy and we want your soul to be set free. ​

When you forgive (got this from doreen virtue) it doesn't mean it makes the actions of wrong doing ok... it simply means to let go of old baggage of bad memories worries of foes etc Make your foes your friends. Inside let them know you forgive them. It will release you both from misery if you let go... Want to help people. No matter what. If they don't need help still be there for them.

Forgive everything. Is key to being more Christ like, it takes a whole lot of love. And want people to live. Even when they try to wish death upon you. Have you heard of the saying take the high road? They are like stairways to heaven. with heaven and peace be with you all is what those in heaven say. Cause we up there without the veil know of all your struggles each one of you may have had. But we offer you to take out the trash that's all the negative in your life...

​Its not necessarily 'toxic' people you want to get rid of... Maybe they don't belong in the house of yours... but make sure they have an good alternate home to go to before kicking them out. If you still want to share things like a good house to call home with them. Try to speak heart to heart with them. We don't recommend yelling with anger. Try to use your sweet voices you have to try to reason with them Teach them things about How to see in life... the blessings so that they wont accidentally ,is out on seeing that those are indeed blessings. Heart to heart is vibe level too use angels and etc highest guides to help them see where your coming from. Perhaps the will too be granted with your understanding. if not right then it will be eventually.

Try to keep hope up by keeping the light when you see them. Picture them feeling better and treating you better etc. Treating themselves better. All relates. So always care about peoples' well being. Which is of emotional health and physical too. Always care enough too give unlimited chances for them to enter the kingdom of god. See their potential. To change heart. To get a bigger heart like Dr. Suess story the Grinch.

Again take the high road is what you all should be doing. Its the path of least resistance. Cause it is the path that will feel best to take. It wont have guilt or negative judgments. If you must judge leave that to the highest Spirits of God....with God...the source found everywhere. It really is real love. It is not love to punish. If it were up to us  we would teach those who commit crimes spirit lessons of personal growth of how to see better and use love. Then when they graduate let them free when the angels say its time. Cause its not right to take lives away...and that's the same as getting freedom taken away...if they have to stay in jail for life for example well if they grew up in jail wouldn't it be depressing to see a grown up good person punished for when their own life seemed so dark...but all they had to do is realize with real eyes. Spirits see a certain way when they up high. in the frequency.

Pray for both your and others pains to be released ask us to show them how have faith they will see how they can light up their life.... get away from negative will help stop them from being created. Show people you care always say you love them ask them how they're doing give advice we can help. 

Bonus Songs

​Three Days Grace - Never Too Late 

Funeral for a friend - Roses for the dead 

Queen - Under Pressure

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home 

AFI - Silver And Cold 

Saosin - You're Not Alone

The Used - Yesterdays Feelings

Linkin Park - One More Light 

Arcade Fire - Wake Up

Atmosphere - Scapegoat

"Let go of each problem that keeps you from being of the greatest heights" -Karen K. Soon (Roah+)


This blog is how to hear heavenly beings

Hello, Greetings!
My Name is Karen K. Soon And I believe i Have found the cure to hearing evil voices..
This is how to hear heavenly beings instead. To put it short..:
It has to do with: There's a ton of fun in taking your time, to heal your patterns of thought.
Logically i believe hearing voices is a normal thing. Society thinks it's crazy but,
these Highest Self Spiritual Beings from heaven who watch over us, Yeah they are a ton of help and they're funny.
They help me emotionally see better think better and feel better. I feel amazing and i only wish to help those who are haunted and in distress.
I used to be haunted but i will show you how i raised the station of my radio head.
Yes theres a radio in the head.
You may be surpirsed... When using all faith you see...and changed beliefs from negative beliefs to positive..
It is miraculous in healing our relationship with gods if you will..
Not going to argue about religious matter but im just saying what i feel is best. Which is another key.
Why do you think some beliefs hurt to believe and other beliefs feel greatest to hold onto. Its cause
its designed to , make us aware...of the pain route vs the love of god route,
and in that fork in the road....please know...we aren't meant to hold onto beliefs that hurt us since i believe they hurt for that reason to be guided:
Its as if theres a broken heart path or a path that feels bad...beliefs wise.... and the healed amazing heart that feels gods love and only good feelings and vibes yes
its a pleasure i'd love to share the info for you guys to enjoy life to the fullest. Im not bluffing you i dug inside myself...I became more like my highest self...and in doing so,
I know what its like to trust voices ...they have to be the highest station...and you yourself have to raise your vibrational frequency which means you have to Raise yourself and your beliefs into bein positive to hear or sense the heavenly peaceful not violent full of love beings...
faith works. try believing as if you expect greatest things to happen . yes its a type of faith that allows you to take a leap into learning how much potential you have in feeling blessed. And im so excited to share...
Feel things out...beliefs more specifically... it will guide you to marvelous things if you go with the route of god love not pain.. if you want more info read my tarot cards.